Gaim - Instant Messaging(IM) Client

Gaim:Following the browser, Instant Messenger (IM) has caught us all with its power and ease of use. It is hyped as the next killer application of the Internet world after Email. Today, there are many Instant messengers that work on different protocols.
So if you have a friend using a particular IM that you don’t have installed? Don’t fret; install Gaim from and chat with your friends who are using any major messenger application. Currently, it supports Yahoo, msn, Aol, Jabber and many others.
I have used it and wil say its just great. I have uninstalled Yahoo and MSN IM. Who needs them now that we have Gaim ;-P
I did not see a IM environment seting option (as in Yahoo IM) yet... Hmmm... and is there something else that I havent found yet?